Appel de Rabat

Over a year ago, on June 8, 2022, high-level representatives of the governments of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia approved the Call from Rabat, a joint declaration in favor of entrepreneurship, support for very small, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and inclusive government policies for greater job creation.

The Call from Rabat signed by Morocco and Tunisia, defines seven (7) operational innovations to be implemented to create quality jobs by facilitating entrepreneurial opportunities and mobilizing investment.

The Call from Rabat’s operational innovations are:

1. A legal framework to give governments and social partners an explicit mandate to promote entrepreneurship and the development of MSMEs, and to set up the necessary institutions and regulations.

2. Strategic investments in value chains to create decent jobs by developing business opportunities for entrepreneurs and MSMEs, including in lagging regions.

3. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) to implement investment funds that mobilize public and private resources for entrepreneurship and job creation.

4. Innovations in employment and social protection policies to better protect all workers, help them access new jobs by tackling barriers to equal opportunity, and promote the formalization of the economy.

5. Statistical profiling systems to target support to different types of entrepreneurs, including those involved in high value-added start-ups.

6. New delivery systems for support services, including training, based on payment by results.

7. State-of-the-art monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure that the various initiatives are producing the expected results, and to introduce corrective measures where necessary.

Call from Rabat: